Central to the Heart

Inspiration and Encouragement

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God Wants You

god-wants-usWhenever you feel like you are not worthy, what is it inside you that makes you feel that way? It is easy to hate ourselves for every thing we feel is wrong with us.

So many times we try to find our worth by looking at what we can and cannot do and we end up becoming discontent, ungrateful, and more negative about our situation.But, what if your worth was truly found when you were just being you?

This may be a complicated question to some because some may not really know who they are. What does it mean to just be you? Honestly, I am not sure if I know who I am. Yet, something inside me knows that no matter how I may think about myself or what I may feel about myself, God is my Creator – He is the One who made me, and He is the One who ultimately gives me an identity.

When God looks at you, what do you think He thinks of you? I can tell you this much for sure, God loves you, He accepts you, and He wants to be with you – the real you (your brokenness, mistakes, failures, insecurities, imperfections, and all)! When you come to Him with all your broken pieces, He takes care of it; all you have to do is come. He wants YOU!

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Leave it to God

30188259972041329_K6SXCVKj_cIn this broken world, I am surrounded. I have no chance against. I do not know what to do or where to go. If I run, it will follow; if I hide, it will find me; if I attack, I will lose. It far outnumbers me.

Fears, lies, doubts, negativity, worry – this evil is surrounding me and I am lost. Where is my escape…

Whenever you feel like you are losing in this battle, my prayer for you is that you will realize you cannot do this alone. God is our strength, and He will protect us.

What’s even better than that is He will actually fight for us! He is always on our side, and when He is on our side, who can stand against us? (see Romans 8:31)

“…for we have no might to stand against this great company that is coming against us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are focused upon You.” (2 Chronicles 20:12)

The battle is not always going to be ours to fight. When we leave it up to God, He will win all our battles!

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Who You Are In Christ Part 3

perfectionSo often I try to find my worth on my own instead of looking at who I am in Christ. I look for ways I can make myself good enough without Christ. even if that means pretending to be someone I am not. I try my best to live as perfectly as I can. That is what I seek. I seek perfection in all areas of my life, and I am always disappointed because I never reach perfection. I feel like that is when I question God with my doubt and lack of faith. But I don’t want others to notice my doubt and lack of faith. I don’t want them to see my failures and mistakes. I definitely don’t want them to see my insecurities and the thoughts that go running through my mind. So, I pretend. I act like I’ve got it al together, that I don’t need help from anyone for anything.

I may strive for perfection, but I am as far from it as anyone could possibly be. I selfishly pretend that I can reach my goals on my own, that I need no one. I selfishly try to be good enough in my own strength, so others don’t realize how weak I really am. But honestly I am just a broken person in need of a lot of help.

Maybe, just maybe I am not the only one who feels this way. I know it’s tough to think you are supposed to have it all together for everyone, but I am pretty sure God gave us people in our lives because He knows we need them and we cannot live life alone. Think about it. In the Garden of Eden, God knew that it was not good when He made Adam and Adam was alone. So, He made Him a companion, Eve. And then it was good.

We need each other to get through this life. More importantly we need Jesus!

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Defeating Lies With Truth

Slieso many times what we believe about ourselves affects what we believe about God. When we believe lies of the devil we are not really trusting in God or His power. We forget that it is not about us and what we can do or about what we think we can’t do. It is about God and who He is and what He says we can do.

So why do I refuse the Truth? I feel like I live my life as if I don’t even believe in God’s Word because I am so full of doubt. I want to believe, but sometimes it is so hard to trust God’s goodness when everything around me seems to be falling apart.

I want to trust God, but when He says I will take care of you, I still worry. When He says I will protect you, I still fear. When He says I am working all things together for your good, I still doubt. Unfortunately my list doesn’t end there: He says I will bring you through; I still give up. He says I will bring you peace; I still live in constant frustration. He says I will make your paths straight; I still don’t see the way to go. He says I have plans that will give you a hope and a future, but all I seem to see is pain and disaster. You see, I believe lies; I am just not good enough. I do not like thinking thoughts like: What’s wrong with me? I shouldn’t be this way? Why is everything so hard? Why can’t I just have faith?

You see, God tells me I am good enough.
But Satan’s lies say I will never be good enough.

God tells me I have what it takes to make it through.
But Satan’s lies say just give up, you’ll never make it.

God tells me He loves me with everlasting and unconditional love.
But Satan’s lies say I can’t be loved.

God tells me He accepts me for who I am.
But Satan’s lies say no one could ever accept me.

I live like I believe the lies more than I believe the truth. I might not be the only one. I think that often times we beat ourselves up with thoughts like I hate who I am, I’m such a horrible person, I have no patience, my faith is weak, I am never good enough, I am constantly disappointing someone, I don’t know what I am doing, I want to quit, I give up, I can’t do this anymore. These thoughts are NEVER from God! He never says He hates the way you are. He never says you are worthless, hopeless, or unloved. He never says you are too weak. He doesn’t want us to quit. He never says give up.

Next time you feel negative thoughts, try to figure out where they are coming from, and seek God for peace and understanding. Let’s work together to avoid believing the devil’s lies and let’s embrace God’s TRUTH!